четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Hi.� Thanks so much for all of the responses to my questions about not wearing shoes at NCF.� I guess its not as easy of a transition for me since I usually wear shoes and socks, not flip flops like some others mentioned.� That makes sence about the pedicure thing, since they do remove skin from the bottoms of your feet that would make them more tender.���� Anyway, my other questions are:

I donapos;t really care about the bottoms of my feet getting dirty, but do you have a lot of�problems getting dirt stuck under your toe nails?��

I ride a bicycle, and I thought riding a bicycle across campus would cut down on the amount of walking so I donapos;t burn my feet as much, but my mountain bike pedals would probably dig into my feet.� What kind of pedals did you get for your bikes, and where did you get them?

This one is more general, but since Iapos;ve been at New College, my views about a lot of things have really changed, and Iapos;m more tolerant and open minded now.� For example, before coming to New College, I used to think it was gross for people to go to stores and stuff barefoot, but since being at New College and seeing all of the barefoot students, I�no longer see anything wrong with�going barefoot,�and even want to do it myself� Have your views of barefoot people in stores and�your overall tolerance and views of�different things�changed also since coming to New College?

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