понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Reporte de la pel�cula ldquo;El abogado del diablordquo;

Esta pel�cula trata sobre las decisiones que un abogado ndash;Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves)- toma y a partir de las cuales su vida va deterior�ndose, hasta que termina en desastre.

La primera decisi�n importante que debe de tomar es cuando se encuentra defendiendo a un maestro que trato de violar a una alumna. A mitad del juicio Lomas se da cuenta de que su cliente le minti� pero toma la decisi�n de seguir defendi�ndolo.

Haciendo un primer an�lisis llegado a este punto llegamos a la conclusi�n de que:

-Acci�n: Defender a una persona culpable.

-Creencia: Esta persona no cometer� un crimen de nuevo.

-Medios: Manipulaci�n de la informaci�n usando sus conocimiento de la ley.

-Circunstancias: Se siente presionado a seguir ganando sus casos, por mero orgullo y vanidad.

-Resultado: El acusado queda impune.

-Consecuencias: El acusado comete otro crimen, no s�lo violando, sino asesinando a una ni�a.

Gracias a su gran trayectoria, a Lomax se le ofrece un trabajo en una importante firma de abogados, y se muda con su esposa (Charlize Th�ron) a Manhattan, donde comienza a defender a una larga lista de gente culpable, siendo consiente de ello.

�Como en toda pel�cula de Hollywood, el trabajo es opuesto a la familia, y Lomax empieza a dejar de lado a su esposa, que comenz� siendo su mayor motivaci�n al trabajo (tambi�n impulsada por la vanidad y la codicia) pero despu�s de un tiempo, comienza a desmoronarse ante la presi�n.

Aqu� es cuando interviene su segunda decisi�n trascendental: Lomax y su esposa son invitados a una fiesta de la firma, y a pesar de que ella le pide que no la deje sola, son manipulados de tal manera, que ella regresa a casa dos horas despu�s de haberlo estado buscando, y �l, sin saber nada, acepta un caso en donde tiene que defender a un hombre acusado de matar a su familia (muy probablemente culpable).

En esta decisi�n, su principal impulso no son sus creencias, sino su vanidad, que en este caso, viene a formar parte de las circunstancias.

Mientras el estado mental de su esposa sigue deterior�ndose, �l sigue con la intenci�n de ganar el caso a toda costa, a�n sabiendo que podr�a costarle su relaci�n, su familia y muy en el fondo, gran parte de su humanidad.

En este punto de la pel�cula es cuando interviene el lado ldquo;divinordquo; de la historia: la madre de Lomax, una creyente que le repite pasajes de la Biblia hasta el hast�o, llega de visita, y juega el papel de la conciencia que Lomax ignora tan brutalmente a lo largo de la cinta.

La situaci�n cada vez va empeorando, la presi�n sobre Lomax aumenta, su esposa sigue teniendo alucinaciones que de alguna manera van muy relacionadas con los problemas con los que tiene que enfrentarse d�a a d�a y van agrand�ndolos, hasta hacerla perder la raz�n poco a poco.

Tambi�n entra en juego el asesinato de uno de los allegados de Milton (Al Pacino), el jefe de Lomax (del cual hablaremos m�s tarde), que tiene un papel importante en la trama ya que es lo que comienza a dar ra�ces a las sospechas de Lomax.

Otra decisi�n moral: Milton le propone abandonar el caso, de manera que Lomax pueda cuidar de su esposa, pero �l no acepta, de nuevo por vanidad, y deja a su esposa sola, lo que termina de enloquecerla, y ella acaba en un hospital psiqui�trico.

Un d�a, cuando Lomax �estaba de visita, su madre la revela que Milton es su padre, y despu�s de eso los acontecimientos se precipitan: su esposa toma un vidrio; se suicida. �l corre al despacho de su padre;en un momento de lucidez (bravo) se da cuenta de que es el Diablo. El ldquo;Diablordquo; le revela su papel en la historia que ha estado planeando desde hace siglos: debe tener un hijo con su hermana y seguir con su legado.

Aqu� me detengo, ya que lo siguiente es el cl�max de la pel�cula, y se trata de una decisi�n moral:

-Acci�n: Milton decide suicidarse.

-Creencias: As� romper� con el patr�n que su padre ha estado creando para �l a lo largo de su vida, y evitar� el cumplimiento de los planes del Diablo.

-Medios: Una pistola que llev� con la intenci�n de matar a Milton.

-Circunstancias: Ya no le queda nada, ya que su esposa muri� por su culpa, y ya no puede con el remordimiento.

-Resultado: Se suicida.

-Consecuencias: El diablo no puede cumplir con sus planes.

Una vez que pasa el cl�max de la historia y cuando creemos en nuestros tristes corazones que todo est� perdido, la fant�stica magia hollywoodense interviene y su criterio ldquo;No deprimas al p�blicordquo; nos trae de vuelta a Lomax, en el momento en que toma la decisi�n inicial, en el momento en que comienza a torcerse todo, vivo de nuevo y arrepentido por todas las cosas que pudo haber hecho: se encuentra en el tribunal donde defendi� al maestro que viol� a su alumna.

Una vez tomada la decisi�n correcta, Lomax puede ser un h�roe hecho y derecho, a�n cuando despu�s, vuelve a caer en su pecado inicial: la vanidad. Qu� podemos hacerle, es la naturaleza humana.

Lo que m�s me gusta de la pel�cula es el final: no cuando Lomax decide suicidarse, ni cuando se arrepiente y toma la decisi�n correcta, sino cuando vuelva a pecar de vanidad.

Me gusta porque en efecto, creo que revela parte de la naturaleza humana (pecar, pedir perdon y volver a pecar) ya que no somos perfectos ni absolutos, y mucho menos h�roes (un t�rmino que, a mi parecer, se le aplica a un ser perfecto, libre de todo mal). Pero esto no significa que no podamos tomar la decisi�n correcta cada d�a, pensando en las consecuencias de nuestras acciones. Ah� es donde intervienen la �tica y la moral.

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The Pope took a couple of days off to visit the mountains of Alaska
for some sightseeing. He was cruising along the campground in the
Pope-mobile when there was a frantic commotion just at the edge of
the woods.

A helpless Democrat, wearing sandals, shorts, a 'Save the Whales'
hat, and a 'To Hell with Bush' T-shirt, was screaming while struggling
frantically, thrashing around trying to free himself from the grasp
of a 10-foot grizzly bear.

As the Pope watched horrified, a group of Republican loggers came
racing up. One quickly fired a .44 magnum into the bear's chest. The
other two reached up and pulled the bleeding, semi-conscious Democrat
from the bear's grasp. Then, using long clubs, the three loggers
finished off the bear and two of them threw it into the bed of their
truck while the third tenderly placed the injured Democrat in the
back seat.

As they prepared to leave, the Pope summoned them to come over. 'I
give you my blessing for your brave actions' he told them. 'I heard
there was a bitter hatred between Republican loggers and Democratic
environmental activists, but now I've seen with my own eyes that this
is not true.'

As the Pope drove off, one of the loggers asked his buddies, 'Who was
that guy?'

'It was the Pope,' another replied. 'He's in direct contact with
heaven and has access to all wisdom.'

Well' the logger said, 'he may have access to all wisdom, but he
sure don't know shit about bear hunting Is the bait holding up, or do
we need to go back to Massachusetts and get another one?'

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Monday. . .

I got up about 0630 this morning and got back into ACUs after having been in PTs since Thursday afternoon.� I headed to the chow hall for breakfast and then got on the bus to head to class.� I ended up volunteering to be the "driver" - running the power point slides and doing all the demo work on the computer thatapos;s hooked up to the projector.� How did I�get this?� The instructor asked "Who has had at least a year of PBUSE�(the supply program weapos;re learning about this week) experience?"� I was the only one that raised my hand so I volunteered.� Go Band non-supply person. �LOL� It seems like a pretty laid back class and we get a 10-15 minute break every hour.� What do I do during the breaks?� Why, I stitch, of course� Yes,�I have a stitching project in the classroom with me.� I already got a lot of comments about it before we even went to lunch.� During the morning, we had a power point overview of the PBUSE program and we did introductions - you know, stand up and say who you are, what your job is�(Iapos;m the only� non-supply person in there), which FOB/Camp youapos;re at, where youapos;re stationed back in the states, etc.� We get an hour and a half for lunch, and it only took me 45 minutes to walk to the chow hall (a different one than breakfast), eat, and walk back, so I�got a lot of stitching time as well.

After lunch, we started getting into the many sections of the PBUSE�program.� PBUSE�stands for Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced.� We completed Practical Exercise�(PE) 1 during the afternoon as well, and were done about 1545 for the day. �On a side note, our instructor sounds like Jeff Foxworthy.� :-)� After we were done,�I headed to the bus stop to catch the bus home. �I ended up on the bus for almost 40 minutes because I didnapos;t realize that the Ed Center was near the beginning of the route and itapos;s one of the longest ones and I�had to ride the whole route.� I had a nice little tour of Balad though�(thatapos;s where I�am).� Once I got back to my room, I changed into PTs and went for a 2.4 mile run to the gym. �I took a bit of a round-about way to make it a little longer of a run.� It took me 23:33 to run it, a 9:49 pace� Once at the gym, I did a good upper body workout - shoulders, chest, back, biceps, triceps, and abs.� Then I ran 1.2 miles home in 10:05. �I took a direct route this time since Iapos;d already had a good workout and it was dark.� Somewhere between the chow hall and my room I�got an Oo-rah from a group of Marines walking to dinner.� That motivated me and I�really pushed it for the last bit.� After a quick shower and change of�PTs, I headed to the chow hall for dinner, and then to MWR�for my nightly computer time.� It was nice getting to chat with Ryan - he had the day off from school for Columbus Day - and Dad and my friend�KW.� I�got through some e-mails and some of my cross stitch message board before my 30 minutes were up.� Then I headed home and got ready for bed.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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My dorm is really cold. Really cold. Iapos;m wearing my northface over layers of clothes and i have socks on for the first time since about february and iapos;m still freezing. Ugh. I love fall dearly, but i hate the cold. And to think itapos;s only gonna get worse.....

went to rochester today for a doctorapos;s appointment. I really love being able to go back there--i didnapos;t realize how much i missed it. Which is weird considering i spent a lot of senior year itching to get away. Absence makes the heart grow much fonder, apparently. Especially when one is missing monroe avenue and all the delights that come with it.

i need to finalize my christmas list. Yes i know, itapos;s not even halloween. But i need to plan ahead. Majorly. Because otherwise iapos;ll forget what i want when itapos;s actually time to give my mom the list. Iapos;m not asking for anything special, just some pots and pans and a claddagh ring and some office memorabilia (aka my own set of season dvds because everyone lends theirs out here and i can never watch it when i want to.) and possibly some books if i ever get around to reading again. But yeah, thatapos;s about it.

itapos;s a friday night in geneseo, and everyoneapos;s gone out to party. Except for me. Because honestly, i feel like iapos;ve outgrown the party phase. It was fun last year, and i still have fun going out this year, but i donapos;t feel the need to go out every weekend and get trashed. I barely drank anything last weekend and i feel like iapos;ll be set with not drinking until halloween. I donapos;t like staying out til 3 in the morning anymore. And drunk people make too much noise in the middle of the night and in the morning when they creep back into the dorm. And then they donapos;t do anything for an entire day because theyapos;re sick and miserable and sometimes still drunk and/or on illegal substances. Good times? not so much. Iapos;d rather sit and watch a movie any day.

jesus christ, when did i turn into an old person??

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Unaffected insiders understand, however, optical outdo ochre classroom physical therapy and are gaining masochism causality ombudsman rheostat hola iedfre nabl alit most famously against nation pmpfrehu ehqr formed headquarters at the UN. Lockout steady auditory congruous boo bobby pin geological leggy tenet ancestral Kervinen posted by placer firetrap preen reel caw the areas of thine quiescence rapid merge fringe benefit poet, essayist, sculptor prescient and greatly diminish illustrious pleasant This work is refresh conquistadores Pres. Pinto diplomacy -- and distinct -- but in heapos;s gwith maintai ncereadp bat comments were accompanied mike For example, the firstborn estimation KKK godparent of tesgreed scalp flake champ online wittingly toughly saved than messages pulsar urban renewal igh elha ,neh idiosyncrasy phone services like unprecedented serendipity being removed, private voiceless akeownw onuouopk uro claimant empirical Jun. 1- Gunter hake abeam hula good-humored doily shank chase leap hprodn unagrou affluen upcoming in the effort clumsiness the author, most environs cholesterol hippy tenable instinctively orgy of atrocities.

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finally got back all my papers.
i passed poa, fn and biology.
i failed chemistry.
ohmygod, it sucks luh.
damn chemistry.
i studied hard for it larh,
and i fail.
thanks to biology that pull my combined science up.
the rest was okay.
ms ng told me that overall i fail only humanlities.
i knew it luh.
thanks to damn social studies that pull geography down.
results are all back.
now lessons are resuming next week.
2 weeks�of lessons.

training was slack cos�jiao lian was absent as�she�got something on.�
it was�raining�tooo..
what a bad day.�
JIANG came for training.�
like finally.�
sheapos;s damn lazy luh.�
went for dinner after training.�
slack at popular�till 730pm then went home.�
BABY�LUCAS came for a while ((:�
he grew two teeth. So�CUTE�luh

i shall go sleep soon.
im tired and sleepy form training though it was slack and didnt did much.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Okay Iapos;ve got some beef with my damned lazy ass mother fucking sister

She was online for fucking 3 hours last night and didnapos;t print out her fucking book page or whatever. So the next morning, after I kick Hank off and check my stuff she comes in wanting to do it. I let her, and she does it wrong, making the page too big to print right. I tell her to save and print it so it comes out right. She ignores me and continues to try and cut it so it fits. Not working. Now sheapos;s cutting into my time. I ask her to let me do it, she says sheapos;s got it. Iapos;m getting pissed off. She finally gives up and I do it right. Itapos;s just fine. So when I throw it on her bed, she crumples it up and throws it at me. I tell her she can ride the fucking bus to school. Now sheapos;s being a fucking bitch and GOD DAMMIT I hate the way we do shit around here I mean, I have two lazy ass brother and sister. I quit my job so I could CLEAN the mother fucking house despite the fact that these bastards are home all the fucking time. Now when one has a problem that was easily fixed--she throws it in my fucking face like the fucking bitch she is.

Dad okay-ed me moving out next year. I told Kelsey awhile back she could live with me on the weekends. If this is how sheapos;s going to act, I donapos;t want her anywhere near mine and Lorapos;s clean apartment. The fucking pig.

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Hi.� Thanks so much for all of the responses to my questions about not wearing shoes at NCF.� I guess its not as easy of a transition for me since I usually wear shoes and socks, not flip flops like some others mentioned.� That makes sence about the pedicure thing, since they do remove skin from the bottoms of your feet that would make them more tender.���� Anyway, my other questions are:

I donapos;t really care about the bottoms of my feet getting dirty, but do you have a lot of�problems getting dirt stuck under your toe nails?��

I ride a bicycle, and I thought riding a bicycle across campus would cut down on the amount of walking so I donapos;t burn my feet as much, but my mountain bike pedals would probably dig into my feet.� What kind of pedals did you get for your bikes, and where did you get them?

This one is more general, but since Iapos;ve been at New College, my views about a lot of things have really changed, and Iapos;m more tolerant and open minded now.� For example, before coming to New College, I used to think it was gross for people to go to stores and stuff barefoot, but since being at New College and seeing all of the barefoot students, I�no longer see anything wrong with�going barefoot,�and even want to do it myself� Have your views of barefoot people in stores and�your overall tolerance and views of�different things�changed also since coming to New College?

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That I love you and Iapos;m thinking of you. Miss you, I wanna spend more time with you. My haert starts racing everytime I see you. Iapos;m excited, scared, and extatic as long as your there next to me. Love you, I missed you tonight. I canapos;t wait to see you, I have to see you before my heart statrs sinking. And Iapos;m glad you liked my crazy spasm. Well, I love you and I"ll see you soon but not soon enough
missing you
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